Exports Opportunity

Sunday, March 17, 2013 | 0 comments

This week's new comic.

New Franchising Rule

Sunday, March 10, 2013 | 0 comments

Joey talk: Capitalism in Indonesia

Sunday, March 3, 2013 | 0 comments

This morning I saw a new apartment near a crowd road. And I was thinking, what the hell do the developer thinking by placed an apartment there; it’s already full of vehicles almost every time. Well, as we all know, Jakarta has rare vacant land due to non-stop infrastructure development. And the jakartans are like, beleaguered by those skyscrapers. It’s because many businesspeople feel that Jakarta is a potential city to grow their business, so they only thinking about build profitable building without concern to environment.
There are small shops and houses near the apartment, and I think it is the ironic scenery that showing the high level people and low people living inequality together. But that’s how the economic system goes. The businesspeople always think about obtaining more and more profit, and who doesn't get profit, will end up in poverty.
You must think that the ‘economy system’ that I mentioned is capitalism, which is bad. The Marxism might show in your head, says that equality in economy is a must. The government should let people take over the industry, and give the profit back to people, not to keep it and ignoring others suffering.
However, I think now our country is still trying to find perfect economy system in modern and better way. Every element in our society should working together to make our economy better.
This modernized society, instead of capitalist economy, should be called mixed economy. Generally speaking, it’s founded by three elements, Individual, enterprise, and government.
Individuals consists of labor, land, capital goods etc, and provides services for other economic entities in return for remuneration. Vice versa, enterprises depend on individuals and other enterprises’ services’ remuneration to earn intermediary fees from the production services.
Well, this is not a lecture from me. I just hope that young generation in Indonesia to be ready to lead our economy in the future, to create better economy and environment.
Therefore, if you have any idea or opinion about what should happen in Indonesia’s economy, feel free to comment here. See you in the future, business leaders!
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