Introduction to Joey: our business advisory

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hi, this is Joey.

I am the new ambassador for this blog, yeah the writer created me with the name from one of ‘Friends’ series star. The writer told me that I had to give some tips or inspiration to readers about business/economy. That should fun, because our readers segmented for young, wild, and passionate people who want to know more about business. 

I was created in manga (Japanese comic) form because the writer loves manga, and he got the inspiration from the girl in the green scarf from ‘Confession of Shopaholic’ movie. You know, that’s the famous special column for financial tips written by anonymous writer.

Okay, for introduction… I will talk about economy in Indonesia. Well although I am manga creature, I was born in Jakarta, so I am Indonesian, the oriental-cute-exotic-shameless-guy. 

Let’s back to the topic, you may already heard about economy growth in Asia became stronger while the global crisis has adversely affect Europe and USA. The Central Bank in Indonesia reported that Indonesia’s economy growth by 6,23 % in 2012, and Finance Ministry, Agus Martowardojo still optimistic that it will grow up to 6,3 % this year. If that happened, Indonesia will be the second largest country for economy growth in the world. The first is, maybe you all know, yap, it’s China. Analyst said that China economy growth will rise more than last year that reach, 7,8 % to around 8 % this year.

Why Indonesia is going to be the second? Because my country has many natural resources, one of the biggest is oil. Indonesia exports oil by 200.000 barrel/day. Property business also predicted to be bigger this year, Indonesia has become the most favorite country in Asia to invest property because the tax is cheaper. 

The purchasing power and consumerism in Indonesia also go higher, because trading ministry reported that 50 million people in Indonesia have income on the average 20 million rupiahs per month, that equal with 20 % of total population. Whoa, that’s explain why the shopping mall mushrooming faster. 

If only the rich people can spread all over the Indonesia, it would be made advantage for economy. More job fields, more industry, and more money. However, the infrastructure establishment is still centralized in Java Island. Therefore, it will be Indonesian Government responsibility. 

I hope you all; Indonesia’s next business people will make a great breakthrough for our economy. I think it’s all for now, I’ll catch up on you later. If you have input and critic, don’t hesitate to comment. I’m waiting, young fellas!


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