Tips: Choosing Life Insurance

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life insurance can be useful instrument to face life risk. You and your lovely ones also can get help in financial if problems come.

But you must be careful to choose life insurance for maximum security of your life. Here are some important things that you need to pay attention:
  1. Buy based on your needs
  2. Insurance is primary needs to protect someone’s economic values in productive ages.
  3. Productive ages from 20-55 years old when people have constant and growing income
  4. When you are in productive ages and realize about protection needs, so it would be perfect time to take priority, by using term insurance or whole life insurance.
  5. The claim could get bigger than subscription if in term insurance/whole life you take long time payment about 20 years
  6. Usually, You can save about 5% - 10% of your income per year
  7. The amount of claim money are variable depend on total dependents and comfort level of insurance.
  8. If you could fulfill life insurance then you may think about other insurance i.e. health insurance, modern insurance like unitlinked, scholarship, endowment (which has saving values), etc.

(Source: Bisnis Indonesia)


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